What is somatic Work?

It's finding the aliveness within the dark edges of wounding and hurt.

 It's safely finding the trauma and wounding that cause pain both physically and emotionally and allowing it to be seen and heard and giving it all that it needs so it can start being liberated to move and release with a bit more ease.

 It's finding the bright empowered parts that want nothing more than the connection and pleasure of thriving.

 Somatic describes any practice that uses the mind-body connection. It focuses on experiencing the ‘felt sense’ (more of that later) in the moment to relieve the physical, emotional and physiological effects of trauma and wounding.

 Somatic therapy works with the idea that what happens to you in your life is stored not only in your mind but also in your body. By focusing on both the physical sensations in your body and present thoughts and patterns, it is a complete approach to therapy.

 Some Somatic techniques include:

• Re-establishing the feeling of safety

• Releasing numbness by becoming aware of your body and its sensations

• Grounding

• Movement

• Sound

• Alternating focus between something stressful and something not stressful to help release tension

• Emotional release

• Strengthening boundaries

• Creating a new empowering connection to feelings and emotions

 What somatic work can help with (but is not limited to):

• Anxiety

• Grief

• Stress

• Trauma

• Old patterns

• Limiting beliefs

• Numbness

• Self worth

• Self love

• Chronic pain

• Sexual Dysfunction/trauma


initiating safer sex in sobriety: A Journey of consent to Safety and Pleasure


F*cking Shame.