Journey — Relationship with You
It all starts with you.
Focusing on You
We start with love and Reiki - it is the fundamental foundation that heals everything - it is powerful and profound to stop fighting with yourself, internally and with reality and truly come to a depth of love. It’s not always easy - through my own work with self love and making it real and powerful, I allow myself to truly hold space for radical and transformational self love for my clients.
Introducing pleasure into practices has been an essential part of my growth to understand that the use of Tantra and Taoism provides a deep healing experience, there are so many places that these beautiful traditional ancient practices belong, I can provide insight into how these can be used.
To thrive sexually, in relationships and internally is about creating inner relationships where the core parts of you - your true essence, your impulses, your desires and core behaviors are met with love, safety and belonging. I support you in working through any restricting and limiting beliefs that hold you back from thriving as the Goddess you are.
Making sure you are resourced throughout sessions is essential, enabling you to have time out to pause, take a breath and rejuvenate means you can carry on and be the great support that you are. We take these moments throughout sessions, here are some ways we'll resource:
Orienting: Notice that you are in the present moment, and that you are physically safe.
Grounding: Make contact with the earth, you can do this by walking barefoot on the earth, you can rub your earlobes, exercise or stretch.
Body Check-In: Scan your body and notice 3 sensations, and the location of the sensations that are happening at the present moment.
Consent: Ask your body for consent and listen for your body's “yes” “no” or “maybe”.
Resource: Find a place in your body that you can come back to at any time during a practice if you feel overwhelmed. Speak out loud 3 pleasant sensations in your body, and the location of the sensation. For example. “I feel warmth in my heart”.
Working through fears can be scary, there is light on the other side. Finding the very thing that restricts you from moving forward and enabling you to dispel what is no longer serving you with limiting beliefs and stories that have been placed upon you. The feeling of freedom is nearer than you think, you will have support and guidance along the way.
Shadow work
Things can really bog us down, placing expectations on others and ourselves can lead to resentment, frustrations and other feelings that we take as negative, I work with you on relieving the feelings and liberating these to know that these feelings are not “wrong” or “bad” to have.
Inner Child
In some instances there may be a requirement to work with your inner child, occasionally this is something that comes up during Reiki and can be progressed by you, this will be done with full support and guidance. Identifying and speaking with our inner child is beautiful soul work.
Tea & sympathy is nice but we need the truth to set us free
Part of the journey is about truth and honesty and knowing we have the right support to move forward is essential.