Summer - The Creatrix - Ovulation - The Full Moon

Summer embodies the pursuit of mastery, personal growth, and the realization of one's true self. It signifies a period of expansion and completeness, where life is in full bloom, and one encounters the richness of existence. Summer encapsulates a holistic expression, akin to the fullness felt in moments of achievement and celebration. Amid the busyness and the myriad roles women navigate—family, career, and responsibilities—there is a palpable sense of outward movement, a desire to share one's message, launch a project, or introduce new beginnings. It's a season of culmination, marking the completion of endeavors and the introduction of the final piece to the world.

Contrary to the unknown nature of winter and the potential of spring, summer is a known entity, with the mystery stripped away. While it exudes a vibrant and expansive vitality, there's an inherent awareness of the inevitable cycle, as the completeness of summer heralds the journey towards eventual decline and death. Winter may appear dormant but holds the promise of renewal, whereas summer, seemingly brimming with life, carries the seeds of its own demise.

The Qualities of Summer encompass mastery and peak experiences, an abundance of richness and vibrant colors, a pervasive sense of aliveness, and heightened activity. It is a season marked by culmination, seasoning, and an overall celebration of life.

A Healthy Summer is characterised by a willingness to let go of perfection and avoid clinging too tightly to life. It involves bringing aspects of existence to their fullest expression and allowing them to exist independently. Embracing a healthy summer entails a commitment to fully finish tasks, wholeheartedly experience life, and expand one's horizons without unnecessary constraints.

Summer can get stuck due to a fear of fullness, manifested as procrastination, a reluctance to complete tasks, or apprehension about expressing oneself. This fear may also manifest as a fear of living authentically or being seen. Stagnation in summer can lead to a pseudo-summer experience, where actions are taken without tangible results or a failure to progress beyond the initial stages of a project, resulting in a lack of real achievement.

Here is your summer ritual audio:

If you desire To feel confident and empowered for 2024 join me for “POWER UNLEASHED!!”

This gathering promises an extraordinary space for self-discovery, healing, and intentional dream-calling. If any of the following resonates with you, this event is a must-attend:

This is for You If:

  • You've experienced toxic relationships

  • Desire to feel regulated and safe in your body

  • Would like to feel your worth and self-love

  • Want to drop the fear of being seen

Event Highlights:

  • Cord-Cutting Extravaganza: Release the remnants of 2023 and embrace the magic of somatic liberation.

  • Grounding as Power: Experience incredible ancient Taoist techniques to ground and access your inner power.

  • Empowered Body: Engage in powerful practices to reconnect with your inner strength and magnetize your dreams for 2024, learning to take up the space you deserve.

  • Power Unleashed: Conclude the event by boldly stepping into the new year, claiming your space and seizing your power through the classical Taoist process of storing energy using the lower Tan Tien.

By participating in "Power Unleashed," you're embarking on a journey of empowerment and intentional living.

Now play an ecstatic dance playlist, and as you breathe and dance, pump energy from the earth and energy from the sky into your body.

Feel yourself letting go, feeling fully released, fully honoring the life, and the energy within you.

As you ecstatically dance, don’t hold back, no limits. Invite fullness, wildness, and full expression.

Speak out loud: “I honor a life, I honor mastery, I honor fullness, I honor orgasm, I honor the fullest expression of myself, I am the queen of the summer.”